A Nurse With Attitude

Where Dark Cynical Humor, Nursing Issues, and Politics Seem to Merge

Neuro Day

   Just Some Random Thoughts

Today was a great day.   (Much to my surprise). I got to do some great work with great people.  Usually this time of the year is filled with dread.  I mean,  this is the time of year when med students  suddenly become actual doctors.  They throw them out there for us to deal with.  We teach them to wash their hands, sterile technique, germs and how we don’t like them in surgery.  This is pretty  difficult when you are already simultaneously working on positioning without pressure sores, informed consent, and making sure that what gets done is what is actually what is suppose to get done.  In a nut shell, we’re incredibly busy dealing with the usual stuff , plus teaching all the new recruits.  Just a little fact, because of all this, July and August is the most dangerous time of the year to have surgery.  Finally, it’s getting a little better!

I was in a Neurosurgery room today.  This is my service and we fix Parkinson’s disease and seizure disorder.  We also fix debilitating chronic nerve pain.  Trigeminal neuralgia and spinal pain.  Today we did a Rhizotomy procedure and several deep brain stimulator procedures to make Parkinson’s victims have steady hands.  It was incredibly rewarding to see the patient become tearful to have, once again, steady hands.

Parkinson’s disease is a terrible debilitating disease.

I try to remember that life isn’t fair… but it’s better than the alternative.

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